Today, I am screaming at the top of my lungs – ‘IT IS OK TO BE TIRED!!!’ – hear this and know peace.
When our children say mum or dad, I am tired. What do you tell them? ‘REST’, ‘REST FOR A BIT’ ‘TAKE IT EASY’, ‘RELAX’. So what makes you feel you should not be tired.
Hey there, you work hard Sis, you stretch Bro, so being tired is expected. Do not think of yourself highly than you ought to. You are a HUMAN BEING!!! It is ok to be tired, so rest.
I have had several seasons in my life that I have been soooooooo very tired and in those seasons, I have leant to STOP, REST, REFRESH, REJUVENATE and RECALIBRATE.
And it has been worth it as it has afforded me the opportunity to start on a FRESH NOTE .
Remember to surround yourself with people who will help you achieve the much needed rest. Engage in self care, unwind, watch movies, laugh hard, do everything you can to get the rest you deserve.
The journey is far, and we need a wholesome YOU to go on this journey, please.
Are you a practitioner supporting others, something is cooking….
THE LOUNGE, ● refresh ● rejuvenate ● recalibrate